Thursday, December 31, 2020

Just Showing Some Common Sense Would Be Nice Sometimes

To many people seem to think with their emotions,instead of using what god gave them a brain. To many people seem to not think much at all, and will believe any conspiracy from people who won't even own it by putting their real names on it. Who is Q ? Why would you beleive stuff from someone who won't even own what they are saying. Smart is using logic to determine what is true. If there is no way to validate who your getting your information from, you should ignore it. Use some common sense.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Education Will Get A Major Boost With Biden As President

Sorry but the fact is Trump's Betsy Devox was not qualified , all she seem to of done was push private school education to the determent of public schools.She pushed vouchers that would of totally destroyed public education. Not every town has a form of private schools. Hopefully public schools will now get the resources they need to have a quality educational program.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Easiest Way To Get Smarter Is By Reading A Book

As a kid I read comic books, hundreds of comic books, that gave me a need to read. Reading to me is something to fill the bored spots in life.When reading, if you got a good imagination,you can explore new world in the space between your ears.I learned about Egypt, I learned science,and history. I saw the possibilties of how the future could look. Reading opens your creative energies so you can imagine new worlds. You can change the future.

Strange That America Does Not Lead The World In Education.

I really don't get it , we should lead the world in education,but we don't. We are cutting education funds left and right. Especially in Republican States, is it a sick strategy to keep the voters stupid in Republican States. I don't know but it isn't going to create a better future . Politics should have nothing to do with learning , books no matter what should never be burned or banned.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Our mission Is To Make Being Smart Cool Again

When did being smart become something looked down on?

When did being stupid become cool

I don't get it people who parade their ignorance like it's a badge of greatness. We don't believe in science, history, or reading a book. We believe whatever latest conspiracy theory some nut job is selling. We don't have time for real facts or using logic to determine if something is true or not.Too many have become sheep who run in fear, and are afraid to ask questions. No one asks why anymore. Sad when you grow up and lose the ability to ask how something works or why something works. Children have it right to not accept things without asking why.Adult somewhere lose that wonder and spark of curosity , they just accept whatever crap life throws their way.